
11 Mar

“We have a saying in the north”, Sa tells me. “We let our young people go south to fight. So many never returned, and now we wonder why they went.” There’s a sheen to his boyish features. A dash too of … Read More »

Junior doctors: in their own words

12 Feb

Preparing to privatise: don’t miss this excellent 1 minute video summary, of what’s really going down, by a junior doctor yesterday on LBC. (For a reminder of how many MPs gain personally from NHS privatisation, see this. Be aware though … Read More »

Truth matters

11 Feb

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Saturday, Feb 7. The third unsourced statistic on this FB post is almost certainly false:  [/ezcol_1half_end] Two days later an American friend, Daniel, posted his disgust at a homophobic quote allegedly by Ted Cruz. But others say it … Read More »

Assange – justice is long overdue

5 Feb

Former BBC legal correspondent Joshua Rozenberg asks in today’s Guardian, How did the UN get it so wrong on Julian Assange? He sets out, correctly IMO, the weakness of the Working Group’s opinion that Assange is being subjected to arbitrary … Read More »