The Anti Isis Coalition

2 Dec

[ezcol_1half] Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune, 27/11/2015[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]     We gotta man up and stand shoulder to shoulder with our friends in the face of evil, right? Clik the pik for better view … [/ezcol_1half_end]    

Saudi good, Isis baaad

28 Nov

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]I’m no fan of journalist Mehdi Hasan but credit where it’s due. On last week’s BBC Question Time he asked Small Business Minister Anna Soubry why, if we’re against extreme Islamists, we arm and support Saudi Arabia. “That’s just … Read More »

Isis – the women unveiled

24 Nov

Last night Channel 4 screened a documentary on Isis recruitment of British Muslim women. A young woman calling herself Aisha spends a year engaging Islamists, graduating from Twitter and FB through text and phone call to live meetings. She’s in … Read More »

Mangled thinking, Mr Behr

17 Nov

Dreadful article by Rafael Behr in the Grauniad today. You get the gist from its headline: Jihadism a symptom of western policy? That’s mangled history. In a piece whose thrust is to rubbish Jeremy Corbyn – in this instance for … Read More »