Nakba: 68 years on

14 May

In 1948 some 700,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled; hundreds of Palestinian towns and villages were ethnically cleansed and destroyed. The refugees and their descendants are today divided between Jordan (2 million), Lebanon (427,057), Syria (477,700), the West Bank (788,108) … Read More »

Corbyn takes axe to Redwood

12 May

Free market purist John Redwood, so lacking in self awareness he actually stood to lead the tories just as they were reinventing themselves as the Nice Party After All  – giving Dodgy Dave’s faux blokishness a clear advantage  – taunts … Read More »

Rother Valley in bloom

10 May

1952-1970: amid stiff competition the Rother of my boyhood and youth was the filthiest river in South Yorkshire. While the Don was home, below its oil slicks and sludge yellows, to a hardy stickleback or two, the Rother was officially … Read More »

Golan Heights of impertinence

10 May

Thanks Geoff for alerting me to Israeli PM Netanyahu’s slap down of army deputy chief of staff Major-General Yair Golan – and to Golan’s boss, Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon, standing by his man. Last Thursday Golan likened “nauseating processes” within … Read More »

War and Peace – and Brexit

10 May

It was inevitable I guess. With the Brexit focus now on ‘defence’, the arguments on either side get sillier. Cameron says leaving would up the risk of war in Europe but we have to weigh this against his earlier insistence, … Read More »

Scotland and other matters

6 May

Yesterday’s elections give the Labour right little real ammo in its dirty war on Corbyn. The worst showing was in Scotland but that was (a) inevitable given SNP ascendance and (b) like that ascendance a product – we can validly … Read More »

The next US President? A closer look

3 May

04/04/2016. I wrote this last night, before today’s news from Indiana. I don’t say the presidency is a kick-in for Hillary. She has many skeletons and Trump, who has even ‘higher negatives’ but fewer known skeletons, will go at her … Read More »