Film Review: Manchester by the Sea

21 Jan

[ezcol_1half]Masterful non linear story telling with bursts of off-the-wall naturalism reminiscent of the Coen brothers … … add in sardonic wit, piercing pathos, a touch of slapstick and scenes of poignantly silent estrangement … … and the result, once we factor … Read More »

Irony detectors need not apply

19 Jan

Nor does the irony end here. That tireless crusader for workers’ rights and social justice, the Mail, weighed  in with this piece: Oh the irony! Fight Against Slavery advertises for ‘volunteer unpaid’ staff to work for FREE and ‘join the … Read More »

Girls rugby in pictures

9 Jan

[ezcol_1third]I’ve drifted into the role of photographer for Sheffield Swans, playing here at Doncaster on Sunday. I haven’t done much sports snapping but the basics are in theory simple. To freeze the action I need speeds of at least one … Read More »

Study the stats and stay alive!

10 Dec

Get rid of your lawnmower and from now on sleep on the floor. Avoid bus routes like the plague and do steer clear of toddlers and Americans unless you’ve seen them frisked and disarmed by a professional. Quietly dissociate yourself … Read More »