The Wrong Trousers!

26 Jul

Roll over, Nick Park! Here’s the Mail Online yesterday:

Other British media ran with the same. If you’re not bored already, click on the screenshots to see how each covered it.

Heartwarming to see such foul racism garnering the righteous anger it merits. The Sainsbury’s Board should resign en masse and be made to stand in head-bowed silence outside the House of Commons, every day for an hour at noon till Xmas Eve, in short pants and “I am a racist”  t-shirts.

That’ll learn ’em!

Heartwarming too that in just 200 years we’ve progressed, as Caitlin Johnstone with trademark pithiness so memorably observed:

… from expecting our leaders to slaughter brown-skinned people while saying racist things, to expecting our leaders to slaughter brown-skinned people while condemning racism.

As the genocide in Gaza continues unabated, and the children of global south nations targeted by Western “sanctions” continue to die from malnourishment and wholly preventable diseases, it’s good to be reminded of what truly matters.

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