Ukrainian lone wolf did Nordstream!

21 Aug

Tweet by Radek Sikorski, Polish MEP and husband to US neocon Anne Applebaum, September 27 2022. He then deleted it

First they blamed the Russians. The biggest act of economic terrorism – and eco-vandalism – in living history and they tried to pin it on Putin! In a Western world even halfways awake, that in and of itself should have been cause for hoots of derision. To say Russia blew up Nordstream to starve Europe in general, and German industry in particular, of cheap gas is to say the Kremlin is so full of morons it couldn’t even figure out that if, for reasons unfathomable, it did indeed wish to rob itself of so valuable an income stream, it need only turn off the tap. Duh!

But then, as this site and others have been saying ad nauseum, narrative trumps evidence and reason every time. We’re a species of story-tellers and myth-makers; a trait that likely served us well – on balance – for tens of millennia but in a world whose global myths are spun by mass media in the hands of tiny oligarchies is easily abused to serve narrow interests and agendas.

Witness the ease, once it is established that a certain president of the Russian Federation is the devil incarnate …

… of persuading folk not obviously mentally retarded that the man wishes to conquer Western Europe, poisons opponents (ineptly) and is detested by his own people (who perversely vote in large numbers for him in elections for which there’s zero evidence – though plenty of claims – of their being rigged). Just as Bashar al-Assad had a penchant for gassing children days before the arrival of UN weapons inspection teams, so can we be sure Vladimir Putin boils kittens, eats babies baked in a pie and routinely shoots himself in the head, for fun or to advance nefarious goals. No matter how ludicrous the charge, our systemically corrupt media can make it stick by sheer force of repetition and, since those media may differ markedly on issues not  threatening to power, unanimity.

They can’t all be making it up …

But even propaganda blitzes tend in due c. to collapse under the weight of their own absurdity. The passage of time allows some at least of their targets to recover their ability to think. So it was with the Russia dunnit  account of Nordstream. At which point the narrative shifted, and it was filed with Mary Celeste, Lost City of Atlantis and why Sonny Liston went down in round one of his rematch with Muhammed Ali under Great Mysteries of post neolithic humanity. There’d be an Inquiry, of course, but it would proceed at glacial pace while media aided amnesia removed the whole affair from the public gaze.

Now it appears we have an answer. It was a rogue Ukrainian soldier wot dunnit. Mystery solved! All those crackpot conspiracy theorists trying to hang this on Washington can go take a running jump.

Here’s Defend Democracy, today.

Nord Stream. How western governments and media take us for fools

Everybody knew from the very beginning who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines as we were writing one day after the sabotage: Destroy the Nord Stream, Fuck the EU.

Everybody in the West knew it was a big and stupid lie to claim, as nearly all mass media and politicians have, that Russia was responsible

Now they try to claim an Ukrainian general is responsible. Not the US, the Polish or the Ukrainian administration.

Western politicians and western media are considering Western citizens as fools.

No doubts US is behind Nord Stream sabotage acts — Lavrov

On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported “unprecedented damage” on three strings of the offshore gas pipelines of the Nord Stream system

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Nobody has any doubts left that Washing is behind explosions at Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on the air with Rossiya-1 television.

“The United States – nobody has any doubt left thus far – is behind explosions at Nord Streams, which left Europe without the cheap Russian fuel and accordingly without the sustainable base of economic development,” the minister said.

On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported “unprecedented damage” on three strings of the offshore gas pipelines of the Nord Stream system. Later, Swedish seismologists said they had identified two explosions on the route of the Nord Stream pipelines on September 26, 2022. Following the incident, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office initiated a criminal case on charges of international terrorism.

Russia criticises German progress in Nord Stream sabotage inquiry

Deborah Cole in Berlin
19 Aug 2024

Russia has complained to Germany about its investigation into the 2022 sabotage of the multibillion-dollar Nord Stream gas pipelines that run between the two countries, accusing Europe’s top economic power of having little interest in finding those responsible.

The head of a European department at the foreign ministry, Oleg Tyapkin, said Russia had “raised the issue of Germany and other affected countries fulfilling their obligations under the UN anti-terrorist conventions”, RIA news agency reported in remarks cited by Reuters.

“We have officially made corresponding claims on this matter bilaterally, including to Berlin,” Tyapkin said.

The criticism came after it was reported last week that German prosecutors had issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian diving instructor as a prime suspect.

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Ukraine’s top general disobeyed Zelenskyy and blew up the Nord Stream pipeline without permission, report says

By Mia Jankowicz,

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy attempted to put the brakes on an audacious Ukrainian plot to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline, but his general pushed ahead anyway, according to a new report.

That explosion in the Baltic Sea back in September 2022 resulted in the destruction of a major Russian export route for natural gas, sending shockwaves through energy markets.

Who exactly blew up the pipeline was an enduring mystery. Danish and Swedish investigations closed inconclusively in February this year, and a couple of months later the UN admitted it had “no additional details” on who was behind the attack.

But The Wall Street Journal published the fullest story yet on Wednesday purporting to finally describe what happened.

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2 Replies to “Ukrainian lone wolf did Nordstream!

  1. the USS Kearsarge an assault carrier anchored of the island Bornholm after taking part in NATO Baltop in September 2022 it stayed for a week, then left straight for the states.Bornholm is where the pipe line passes the ship has all the technical means and personal to carry out the operation?

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