By their own words shall ye know them

10 Sep

On a few by no means minor matters – Syria for one, Vladimir Putin for another – I don’t see eye to eye with Owen Jones.  Right now, though, those matters don’t matter. What does is that he’s been outstanding on the suffering of the Palestinian people, before and after October 8th, and on the deep complicity of Western governments in the Gazan genocide.

I featured him, post October 7, in this adversarial exchange with a smug apologist.

Hen Mazzig: I do understand why this conflict raises a lot of emotions. I think we need to focus on reality and I understand especially when you are Jewish or Palestinian or Arab why you feel so  connected to this conflict and really hurt and upset. I’m upset for my family and friends I lost on October 7. I don’t understand why you are upset …
Owen Jones: Because I object to genocide. I’m a human being.

Granted, the ill informed and unprepared Israeli, Hen Mazzig, was never going to be a match for the cold wrath of the fully informed and combat ready Mr Jones. But the Israel Lobby funded and venal former Labour frontbencher, Ed Balls, is a different kettle of fish. How could I fail to enjoy Owen standing up to this smirking specimen on Good Morning Britain?

This week his was one of several voices drawing our attention to Two Nice Jewish Boys, billed as Israel’s longest running podcast. Prepare to be horrified by what the two co-hosts say about Gaza. And as Owen points out, before we dismiss the pair as a lunatic fringe we should keep in mind that their vile outpourings have drawn scant condemnation within Israel, far less criminal charges – despite being in flagrant breach of both international and Israeli law …

… and that one of this delightful duo worked closely with the rogue state’s prime minister.

Need an antidote? Try Macklemore’s staggeringly successful Hind’s Hall, released this year in the wake of student protesters’ renaming of Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall when they occupied it. Hind Rajab was a six-year-old Gazan trapped for days in a car, alongside the IDF slain bodies of her family, before she herself finally and mercifully gave up the ghost.

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5 Replies to “By their own words shall ye know them

  1. Well said, Philip.
    I feel the same: Owen Jones has a lot to answer for, I can barely bring myself to listen to him, so appalling has he been in the past, so treacherous and sectarian in the Corbyn interlude.
    But he is right here.
    He may want to consider the part that he and others who lent their support to the anti-Corbyn forces played in emboldening ‘Israel’ to carry out this gemocide. One thing that we do know is that if Corbyn, backed by a mass movement, had been in power the Israelis would have thought twice before going mad and killing tens of thousands of kids.

    • One thing that we do know is that if Corbyn, backed by a mass movement, had been in power the Israelis would have thought twice before going mad and killing tens of thousands of kids.

      Agreed. Though having thought twice, they’d likely have gone ahead anyway. But instead of a West united on Israel’s “right to self defence” we’d have had serious rifts within the establishment. (Or more likely, a coup that further exposed the true nature of the British State.)

      You’re right to raise the matter of Owen’s role – I think as useful IdPoliot, as with his take on Assad, Assange, Castro and Putin – in Starmer’s rescuing of Labour for Britain’s ruling class. But call me a bleeding heart liberal, I believe in giving credit where due. Same goes for Richard Murphy. He’s obtuse on many matters, but proving a most effective critic of Starmer and Reeves.

      • Yes Phil, I agree with yourself and others on Owen Jones. He alone, obviously could not have stopped or halted the onslaught against Corbyn, but he jumped on the bandwagon, giving “left” legitimacy to the smears. I once sent him a negative comment online and he responded very angry and defensively, and I think blocked me, although I can’t remember and don’t care anyway. And he, as far as I know, still writes for the Guardian, although never going near the rag, so don’t know.
        I think if Corbyn had got into Downing Street there’s no doubt he’d have been forced out by any means felt necessary, no doubt with the aid of the PLP, who would’ve refused to vote for his mandated programme.
        Horrible times we’re living through.

  2. Meant to add re Owen Jones, although I know you disagree but for me, it’s too little, too late. Also. he never acknowledged, never mind apologised, for joining in, or indeed falling for, the antisemitism scam which led to the destruction of Corbyn’s leadership. Albeit futile leadership.

    • I share your criticisms of Owen Jones, Margaret. But to me it’s not a question of “too little too late”; rather, of whether he is (a) right or wrong on Gaza, and (b) if right, doing an effective job.

      The second is a more pragmatic than moral question but, that said, Owen Jones does what neither I nor his detractors from the left do. He goes into the belly of the beast – which in this case means swimming in a Zionist apologising “mainstream” – to engage adversaries in their own shark infested waters. I respect that.

      At the end of the day, I guess, it’s a minor matter. We who agree on so much can agree to differ on this one.

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