Baerbock backs butchery in Gaza

15 Oct

One of the earliest idiocies of identity politics was a belief – underpinning the feminist-pacifist slogan of the eighties: “take the toys [nuclear weapons] from the boys” – that war was a result of male ego. It was idiotic not because women can be every bit as aggressive as men. Yes they can be, but for reasons of both nurture and nature are less commonly so.

No, the idiocy came from the delusion that wars are largely psychological in origin when, as so many posts on this site seek to show, their core drivers are material: above all a US-led West bent on offsetting or even reversing its decline by force through its proxies in the Middle East and Ukraine, and by the threat of it in the China Seas.

Now hear Annelena Baerbock – Green Party Foreign Minister, and on Ukraine the most hawkish member of Germany’s ruling coalition – justify, her face a mask of righteous fury, IDF murder of civilians.

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