Waddyaknow? Syria is back in the news

1 Dec

In US Neocons & Israel’s far Right: Part 2, I wrote:

As in Afghanistan, 9/11 legitimated – as did the WMD lie and risible notion of Saddam in bed with Al Qaeda – what Nuremburg called “the supreme crime” of waging aggressive war. 1 One which laid Iraq to waste.

After Saddam came Gaddafi, as Libya was liberated from the tyranny of being Africa’s richest nation, with free healthcare for all and literacy rates higher than the West’s, to become a failed state ruled by warlords …

Then it was Syria’s turn. With ‘Arab Spring’ in bloom, and most Westerners clueless, it was child’s play to paint jihadists armed by the West and Riyadh, while Israeli medics tended their wounded, as freedom fighters. Few listened when France’s former foreign minister, Roland Dumas, anticipated [Brigadier-General] Wesley Clark’s revelations 

In the Pentagon in November 2001, a senior military staff officer had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was to be part of a five-year plan against seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off with Iran.

… with a bombshell of his own.

By now even I, slow of uptake, had cottoned on to an empire looking to set the Middle East on fire in the name of ‘democracy’ – and in the ashes forge a new regional order answerable to Washington. What saved Syria  was the aerial intervention of a revitalised Russia with Putin at the helm to (a) read the US game plan, (b) forestall a revival of terror in Chechnya and the ‘Stans’ when Syria’s ‘rebels’ finally went home, and (c) safeguard one of Russia’s few overseas military bases in Tartus.

(That and the ground presence of Hezbollah, also invited by Syria’s elected government – behind which even those who at Daraa had demanded greater freedom now rallied. Indeed, many now attacked Bashar for being too soft – “the old man would never have stood for it!” – on the head-choppers moderate Islamists who’d hijacked the protests.)

Well waddyaknow? Syria is back in the news. It should go without saying that I do not trust the gung-ho crowing of Britain’s warmongering Telegraph today

.. when ‘our’ media lie not only about the causes of ‘our’ wars. (Lies which over Syria made fools not only of left leaning journalists like Owen Jones and George Monbiot – and pretty much all the Western intelligentsia – but much of the Marxist Left to boot.) They lie too or, since I dare say most journalists tell themselves and mean it that they do honest work, 2 confuse reality with wishful thinking about how well ‘we’ are doing. 3

FT late on November 30, 2024

All the same, even in the fog of war I’ll hazard this much:

  • Israel and the West are using the lull created by temporary ceasefire in Lebanon to attack Syria and close Iran’s supply routes to Hezbollah. To this end they are still using ISIS cut-outs moderate Islamists regardless of the consequences for Syria.

… while other goods marked as Palestine bound play their part in supporting the racist state. And Erdoğan would not be Erdoğan if he did not seize this opportunity to strike at (a) the Kurdish YPG, (b) erstwhile friend Bashar al-Assad, by letting Islamists pour across the border into Aleppo. This from Turkish Minute yesterday:

The Aleppo offensive underscores the fragility of Syria’s political and military landscape. Former diplomat Murat suggests that Erdoğan’s strategic calculations aim to reshape the region’s power dynamics, using Turkey’s influence over HTS [Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Al Qaeda cut-out formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra] and other groups as leverage. However, this approach also risks alienating allies like Russia and Iran, potentially collapsing the Astana framework.

For Assad’s regime, the stakes are existential. A combination of economic collapse, military fatigue and waning support from Russia and Iran has left Damascus ill-equipped to reclaim lost territories. Fehim Taştekin warns that the return of a divided Aleppo would mark a devastating setback for the Syrian government, undoing years of territorial consolidation.

The Aleppo offensive is more than a military operation; it is a complex geopolitical maneuver with far-reaching implications. As the dust settles, the region faces the prospect of intensified conflict, shifting alliances, and an uncertain future. The coming weeks will determine whether HTS can consolidate its gains, whether Ankara’s gambit pays off, and whether Assad’s allies (Russia and Iran) can rally to prevent further losses.

I’m suspicious of this Turkish writer’s assessment of support for Syria by Iran and Russia as “waning”, when neither can allow Damascus to fall …

Jerusalem Post, December 1st, 2024

… but his grasp of both the stakes and balance of forces is on target.

  • As Russia focuses on the for her existential task of defeating Washington’s expendable proxy in the Ukraine …

… with the West’s leaders showing no sign of heeding or even grasping the extent of her escalation dominance, the war in the Middle East and that on Russia’s southwest border are merging in a way certain to bring us – since Russia could not allow regime change in Syria, nor China in Iran – to the brink of world war three.

What was it Lenin said about decades when little happens, and weeks when decades happen?

* * *

  1. Convictions for “waging aggressive war” and not, as is widely thought, harder to prove culpability in the Holocaust drew death sentences at Nuremberg for Himmler, Goering, Ribbentrop, Doenitz, Jodl and Keitel.
  2. Journalists who know what’s good for them please editors. Editors who know what’s good for them please proprietors. Proprietors need advertisers and/or wealthy sponsors. All are affected by dominant ideology which they imbibe as much as they contribute to, and which assures us all, 24/7 in ways gross and subtle, that west is best.
  3. Witness the shifting narrative on the Ukraine – “Russia will get her ass kicked” … “it looks like a stalemate” … “how mitigate Kiev’s defeat” …

10 Replies to “Waddyaknow? Syria is back in the news

  1. It may be a quirk of my own system but your link to your essay “Monbiot, Syria and Universalism” leads to a page which only features that title and the tantalising news of 2 comments. That’s all. Has the article vanished? Or is it some kind of dead link caused by internet gremlins?

  2. I have the same problem as George if I use that link. (Using a Mac running OS 15 – tried a few different browsers but same result).

    • Aha! I get no problem in MS Edge, on PC or phone, but when I try in Tor get the result you and George report. Apologies. I’ll investigate when I’ve time. FWIW that post is seven years old and critiques the positions of Monbiot and Jones, whose failure to see the propaganda blitzing on Syria flows from a “universalism” blind to the US empire.

      • I’ve awarded myself the Order of Stakhanov First Class for my heroic and I believe successful efforts to resolve this. I spent two hours yesterday, going line by line in code view through Monbiot, Syria and Universalism, but to no avail. I wouldn’t have bothered but for its being one of those posts I still cite, despite its age and my own development of viewpoint and understanding since then, for its broader relevance.

        This morning I had a light bulb moment. Hadn’t this piece appeared in OffGuardian at the time? It had indeed. I was able to track it down, copy and paste …

        • I have often found that if I am suffering “cybernesia” and can’t find an article then, as long as I can recall a phrase in it, I can google the phrase in quotes and it will take me to the right spot. If it’s an article I wrote myself, I usually keep a copy on my own system and can do the google thing with any sentence thereon.

          I tried this with your own article there – using the first bit as search item:

          “I’m worried about George. An admirer”

          And it led me to the OffG article. It also led me to other sites on which your article has appeared e.g. something unfortunately called “BSNews” – whose title could be taken as self-defeating!

          • Ha! Nice one George. Remembering a word string is a ploy I’ve used myself to reel in a text whose title and location were lost in cyberspace.

  3. It would be difficult to find a more rabid example of the active support of the Western Political and media class for what these leaders euphemistically refer to as “moderate” head chopping jihadists (there is footage about on SM of these Western supported thugs chopping off the head with a knife of a Syrian soldier this week) than Brussels Eurocrat and former Belgium PM Guy Verhofstadt’s tweet – shown on yesterday’s Duran channel by Alex Christoforou –


    ….which references the Western involvement in multiple destabilisation operations:

    “Resisting Moscow, Iran, North Korea.

    Kyiv, Aleppo, Bucharest, Tbilisi.

    Brussels. Washington? Could do more.”

    Underlining yet a further iteration of the well-worn policy and practice of Western elites in violently interfering in the sovereign affairs of other countries for their own pecuniary ends. If an election does not go your way, destabilise the country with a colour revolution, use lawfare to challenge the result, and force a rerun till you get your hand-picked Globalist candidate in place.

    As Larry Johnson observes, today,


    ….quoting: https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/russia-s-svr-chief–us-al-tanf-base-is-western-led-militant

    earlier in November, Ukrainian intelligence has been providing HTS with weapons and financial support to prepare for these operations, which include drone strikes and isolated attacks near the frontlines in southern Idlib, northern Latakia, and northwest Hama.

    In this context, Al Mayadeen Net’s sources in Idlib confirmed that HTS has established extensive training camps to recruit new fighters.

    The sources indicated that these recruits are being trained in advanced combat tactics, including the use of drones and the manufacturing of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

    They added that these camps have attracted militants of various nationalities, with reports indicating a flow of foreign militants joining the training in preparation for combat in Ukraine against Russian forces.

    According to the sources, HTS’ decision to establish training camps in Syria comes after efforts to establish similar camps in Ukraine were hindered by repeated Russian military strikes.”

    Johnson’s take:

    “If you think that Ukraine came up with this idea on its own, not to mention the money and weapons to supply the radicals, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. MI-6 Chief, Richard Moore, admitted this past week that, “British intelligence agencies are using their “legacy of covert operations” to help Ukraine fight Russia.” I guarantee you that such operations are not confined to the territory of Ukraine. The UK and the US have been directly engaged in funding, arming and promoting the insurrection in Syria for more than ten years.”

    I wonder how many British pensioners will have to freeze or schoolchildren go hungry to pay for these colonial adventures?

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