Western values

20 Jan

Today Mark Taliano posted this. I concur without reservation and invite those with a different view to argue it in the comments section or, by arrangement, in a guest post.

What am I thinking?

What am I thinking. I am going to talk about the stupidity of Western masses for a moment. It gives me no pleasure.

The West and its allies just installed an internationally proscribed terrorist organization to replace the elected government of a UN member state. But according to Western idiots Assad is the bad guy. 1

The West has supported and does support nazism and genocidal ethnic nationalism to depose the elected President of Ukraine, to genocide ethnic Russians in east Ukraine, to try to impose NATO membership despite warnings, to defy all peace efforts, to invade Russia, and to provoke interminable warfare with constant flows of weaponry etc. 2 But according to Western idiots Putin is the bad guy.

Then there’s Gaza. Western-supported Zionists have been committing GENOCIDE there for over a year. It is a continuation of apartheid and settler colonialism all supported in full by the West. But according to Western idiots Palestinians, men, women and children trapped and being mass-murdered, are the bad guys. 3

We live in dark times of mass idiocy, mass criminality, mass evil.

The idiocy is all fabricated by Western agencies but there is no valid excuse for on-going ignorance and evil.

* * *

  1. Mark Taliano, “Canadian Foreign Policy Is Utterly Barbaric”, Global Research, 15 January, 2025.
  2. Professor Michel Chossudovsky, ‘Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Government Is Supported by the International Community. Adolph Hitler is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” in Ukraine.”  Global Research, 29 September, 2024.
  3. Mark Taliano, “Dazzling Political Spectacle as Cover for Permanent War and Genocide.”  Global Research, 27 August, 2024.

7 Replies to “Western values

  1. Western education, TV and newspapers have given the masses a false view of the world for decades or longer. Most people in North America and Europe – and in my little south-eastern corner of the ‘western’ world, Australia – broadly believe what they are told by mass media, even if they doubt some of the detail. They are convinced that the Chinese people are living under Xi Jinping’s jackboot, that Putin is an evil warmonger, that the USA is imperfect but better than the rest. Many of them still believe, even, that Israel is rightly defending itself against sub-human terrorist Palestinians. They accept as unfortunate mistakes the West’s political and humanitarian disasters in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and so many more countries that became unfortunate recipients of our freedom and democracy medicine. Stupid, perhaps, but, more important, grotesquely misled by powerful factions who benefit from wars and chaos. And, just as important, powerless to change anything in a system where all the aces – propaganda, law, technology, and military muscle – are with the establishment.

  2. Didn’t Western Values used to be called the Enlightenment Values? I think they were rebranded a few years ago to confuse them with Western Governments thus obscuring the historical enmity of Western Governments for those values.

    • The Aurelien piece quoted and linked in that article is also worth reading, Jams:


      This snippet in particular:

      “They don’t look, and if they did, they wouldn’t really be able to understand what they were seeing anyway. The “debate” (if you can call it that) in the West largely excludes real life factors. It takes place at a high normative level, where certain facts and truths are simply assumed. ”

      Which, in essence, takes us back to the quote attributed to Karl Rove by Ron Suskin in that Rolling Stone piece two decades back about those who create their own reality.

      Maybe that old Biblical quote needs some updating: “The Reality Based Community shall inherit the Earth.”?

      These bits also hit a few nails:

      “To begin with, the current generation of western politicians is especially incapable of understanding and managing high-level crises of any kind. The modern western political class—the Party as I call it—resembles more and more the ruling party in a one-party state. That is to say, the skills that lead to success are those of advancement in the Party apparatus itself: climbing the greasy pole and backstabbing rivals. ….

      …..the fundamental problem of western political leaderships today. Indeed, it would be better to call them “managerships,” because they have no aspiration to lead. They are just MBA-trained fiddlers and bodgers, for who the concept of a strategic goal in the true sense of the term is basically meaningless. Instead of actual strategic objectives, they have slogans and fantasy outcomes.”

      Good to see you sticking some home truths on the Larry Johnson site by the way.

      • Thanks Dave. I’ve read the Aurelian piece. One of his better ones. Sometimes he comes over as a bit of an establishment apologist – or maybe that’s just me. It’s an uphill battle posting on US sites though – they’ve all been brainwashed into seeing words like ‘socialism’ or ‘communism’ as blasphemous and anti-‘American’.

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