Golan Heights of impertinence

10 May

Thanks Geoff for alerting me to Israeli PM Netanyahu’s slap down of army deputy chief of staff Major-General Yair Golan – and to Golan’s boss, Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon, standing by his man. Last Thursday Golan likened “nauseating processes” within … Read More »

Irrationality rules, got it?

29 Apr

Thinking people can go into a tailspin of despair when confronted with the stark truth they’ve overestimated the power of reason. Yesterday self righteousness, pack instinct, unthinking emotionalism, malice and rank opportunism swept reason aside in the Labour Party. Before … Read More »

Anti-zionism is not antisemitism

22 Apr

Yet again an opponent of Israel’s repressive policies – indefensible to a growing number of once staunch defenders – is castigated as ‘antisemitic’. Now it’s the turn of Malia Bouattia, daughter of Algerian refugees and newly elected President of the … Read More »