On Ismail Haniyeh’s murder in Tehran

31 Jul


I daren’t read the article of course. I know its author of old and his secondary arguments will be awash with false premises and weak opinions strongly held. I doubt my ability to resist the urge to do as I have in the past, and take it apart line by line; an urge I haven’t the time to indulge.

Yet going on his headline, I find myself in full and truly amazed agreement with Simon. As the racist, apartheid, lawless and mass murdering state of Israel knows full well, it has embarked on a course which has won it the hatred and contempt of the whole wide world, save for those too far gone to call a genocide a genocide; like those senators and congressmen who gave Netanyahu fifty-three standing ovations on Capitol Hill last week … like Queen Ursula who unilaterally pledged EU support for a slaughter of the innocents … like Britain’s Keir Starmer, a human rights lawyer who speaks of Israel’s “right to self defence” when international law grants no such right to an illegally occupying power.

More to the point, the racist, apartheid, lawless and mass murdering state of Israel also knows it has started a war whose stated objective, the eradication of Hamas, is unachievable. A war the racist, apartheid, lawless and mass murdering state of Israel cannot win but which, to save its prime minister’s skin and keep him out of jail, has granted end-times Zionist fanatics licence to set the Middle East ablaze. A war which now leaves the racist, apartheid, lawless and mass murdering state of Israel with nothing to lose and everything to gain by escalation.

Hence the endless provocations of Iran, seeking a response which will drag in the USA to near certain regional conflagration and – since Russia and China are unlikely to stand idly by in the event of all out attack on Iran – the very real risk, as with the Ukraine, of WW3.

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8 Replies to “On Ismail Haniyeh’s murder in Tehran

  1. My first thought exactly! Amazed to be in full agreement with the warmonger in chief at the Guardian, a rag I stopped reading years ago – I wouldn’t go near his article for the same reason – with the sickening and relentless attacks on both Jeremy Corbyn and Julian Assange, on pretty much a daily basis.

    It seems lately that we’re ever closer to WW3 in different parts of the world. Try not to think too much on it or I’d never sleep.

    I live quite near where the stabbings happened on Monday, and apart from the absolute horror of it, of little kids so close to home, I can’t help but also think of the kids in Gaza, babies even. I don’t think Yvette Cooper will be laying flowers for those poor little lost souls.

    My kids are in their 40s but I’ll hold them even closer. Going to spend this coming weekend with my son, his husband and little dog in their new house, and I’m so grateful.

    Take care Phil xx

    • I’ll do my best Margaret. I have one daughter aged 41, another – also in a same sex and long term relationship – three months shy of 40. You and I will not see the worst of what our rulers have created on every front. They likely will.

  2. It should still be possible for Iran to declare in advance a limited strike, as previously. That created a precedent, and a follow-up would be described as being purely in response to this Zionist assassination and not as part of a full-on war. Such a strike could effectively target only military installations, just as Hezbollah are doing currently, and would be helped by the information from their drones and info from the previous attack.

    Of course there is risk in that, but there is also risk in doing nothing and encouraging further and more extreme atrocities which might eventually provoke something that there is no return from.

    • On your first para, Iran will respond at a time and in a manner of its choosing. Since Biden et al are now an irrelevance to regional calculations – other than in affording unprecedented leverage for Netanyahu – it remains to be seen whether the likeliest outcome in November – Team Trump – has both the will and capacity to rein in Iran hawks scarcely less indifferent to regional and even global consequences than Ben-Gvr or Smotrich.

      On your second, I couldn’t agree more.

  3. “They Killed the guy they are negotiating with.”

    – Larry Johnson


    “LARRY JOHNSON: “Every day they are killing dozens of Palestinian children & women, they just murdered two more journalists….the Zionists, they’re just a bunch of murderous thugs; they’re criminals, they need to be stopped…..

    INTERVIEWER: It seems there were negotiations going on in Qatar between Hamas and Israel. Why is it now that Israel decides to assassinate the Head of Hamas? Do you understand what’s in their minds? Do they really want to negotiate? What’s their plan for the future?

    LARRY JOHNSON: They don’t want to negotiate. They’re not interested in peace. They’re not interested in any kind of solution that gives the Palestinians any kind of power or autonomy.

    The Zionists that are behind this, they want them all to die. They want the Palestinians to die. They don’t care if they rape them, they don’t care if they rob them, they don’t care if they kill them, they don’t care if it’s an armed fighter or if it’s a child, a two-year-old toddler. They want them dead.

    And Israel sends a very clear message; they killed the guy that they are negotiating with. At this point, I think Hamas has just got to step back and say ‘look, we just can’t be [indeciperable] to negotiations’. Same with Hezbollah.”

    As with 404 what is abundantly clear from the record going back for some considerable time (ask the Native Americans) is that the elites of the West are not agreement capable.

    Whether it’s Israel, the US, the EU or the UK: in dealing with both their own and other populations across the majority of the world the approach is that of a toddler which has got to have its own way in all respects, all the time and is prepared to kill, murder, torture, impoverish, enslave, cancel, outlaw and, if need be, end all life on the Planet to achieve that result.

    Deliberately killing those you are negotiating with is not the approach of anyone who is serious about living together with anyone, anywhere, any time. As Johnson articulates in the above video, the only way to deal with such a mind set is to eliminate those who hold and act on that mind set.

  4. One sensitive question to address is how complicit were the Western Intelligence Agencies in this assassination rampage by Israel?
    Are we to assume that the Israelis have intelligence capabilities equal to or greater than the sum of Western Intelligence Agencies (Anglo American Five Eyes) in their ability to track locate target and kill anyone they dislike or fear. Not forgetting that extra judicial killings have always been a speciality of the CIA from its inception often refined into the decapitation (of leadership) doctrine by drone or other covert means in recent terrorist wars. Imagine the envy of Zelensky and Budanov to utilise these Israeli capabilities in eliminating Putin or his henchmen assuming the means and approvals are arranged by their curators CIA/MI6.
    I see no reason to believe these assassinations were not conducted without either the knowledge approval or support of Western Intelligence Agencies. These agencies CIA MI6 include NSA and GCHQ who run the Global Surveillance Operation exposed by Edward Snowden in 2013; all operate at the service of Israel to enforce US hegemony in Western Asia. If Israel intends a regional war its calculus must include the active support of Western States the US UK and EU to act in the least capacity as quartermaster for the Israeli war machine.

    • Hi Rick, and apologies for so late a reply – I’ve just picked this up.

      I agree entirely. Imagine if the resistance Axis were to supply Iran or for that matter Hezbollah with the intel for an assassination of Smotrich or Ben Gvr!

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