Clueless Keir says WW3. Genocide Joe says no.

19 Aug

I’ve made pretty damn clear, and since it can’t be said too often will continue to do so, that the likelihood of nuclear war has never been higher. Never. For reasons I’ve gone into many times this would be the case even if we could remove either the current middle east situation or the Ukraine conflict from the frame. Since we can’t, and consequently have two pans in the high 90s on the thermonuclear stove, the world – Europe in particular – is living at death’s door.

Steel city reader Dave Hansell agrees. Why else send me this morning a chillingly lucid nine minute podcast from a source new to this site, a blogging Brit by the name of Kernow Damo.

I recall a clip of Bob Dylan and John Lennon sharing a taxi. Dylan is stoned out of his brainbox and talking gibberish while Lennon looks embarrassed. Said one comment, “What the actual fuck?!? The sensible one here is Lennon!” 

A similar sentiment occurs to Mr Damo. A sorry pass we’ve come to when it falls to Joe Biden, who never saw a war he didn’t like, to restrain Sir Keir Starmer from proceeding straight to WW3 without passing Go. We could say neither man truly calls the shots but let’s not carp. This man speaks truths deep and dark; truths we ignore at our peril.

14 Replies to “Clueless Keir says WW3. Genocide Joe says no.

  1. Thank you Phil and Dave for this. And the link to Kernow Damo who speaks with a grounded earthy intelligence I like very much. I remember seeing Blair flushed with overwhelming narcissistic pride when Bush was speaking of him in flattering terms about his support for the Iraq war. The overweening pride of Kier Starmer in his new role as PRIME MINISTER (that I suspect he thinks makes him superior, a legacy of a kingdom that’s never had a proper revolution and so still has highnesses to whom we lowly subjects owe deference) and this kind of arrogant and wanton display of how important he is shockingly similar. Except the reality is we can’t use any nuclear weapons without the US as they control them all through the software they developed. Allegedly they can even override us and use our nuclear submarines as they wish. Dark and dangerous time. Hineni!

  2. I was alerted to the video clip via this below the line entry on the Skwawkbox site:

    However, this,, from a Ukraine source…….

    …..appears to imply that this block may be a temporary, bureaucratic impediment.

    Which generates the thought that being located in the depressed North of England rather than anywhere within a hundred-mile radius of London, may have certain advantages?

    • If you want to feel really insecure, Dave, you could try living fifty miles (as the proverbial crow flies) from Faslane nuclear sub base. Just as well I enjoy lurid sunsets, I suppose.

      • And I live about six miles as the crow flies from Faslane so will be dust in the first strike. I think I prefer that to the drawn out horror of an apocalyptic nightmare.

      • Fair point Jams/Anne

        The only crumb of comfort I can offer is the existence of some of that well known Yorkshire frugality in the Kremlin. Which might result in simply cutting off the head of the snake and not bothering with the tail.

        • Dave,
          I totally agree. Dared not say it, but the best outcome would be indeed cutting off the head and leave the tail flailing and questions like “what should we do?”

    • Hi Dave
      I live within 80 miles of London which leaves me with a very long trip to the Hebrides or a one way ticket to annihilation south, if the braindeads in Britain are left to their own devices.
      What a comforting thought.

  3. Hi Phil,
    Starver is a self absorbed and self serving prat who really believed that people voted Labour because they like him. From conversations I’ve had, which confirmed my suspicions, people voted Labour NOT because they think Starver is a better choice, but because they would not tolerate another Tory regime, even if it was shared with the other desperate parties. Most of them(some 7 of 9 hate Starver!) He has absolutely no self awareness and is a complete and utter dolt and he’s our PM – howzat for shooting ourselves in both feet?
    I don’t know which is worse between Blonde Billy Bunter Bungling Boris or Slimy Slithering Serpent Starver, they’re both thick egotistical narcissist liars who have no idea what’s really going on and even less idea of the plight of millions in their own country.
    Why then would we expect an obsequious and perfidious non entity like Starver to deliver us from the WW3 scenario?
    I don’t believe him capable of anything but hypocrisy and gaslighting with his hyper God complex and his vapid wits – a deadly combination in itself, so we can only expect worse to come. I really don’t hold out much hope for the UK or Europe because I truly believe that we are sleep walking into our own disastrous future.
    Now you know why I don’t comment often on your posts, who would want to read such depressed thinking?

    Regards and hope you are well.


    • It’s worse than that, Susan – Starmer is being/doing exactly what he is paid to do, and if he stopped doing it (or only embraced part of it, like Jeremy Corbin) they would get some other complacent nonentity in his place. I presume that he knows all that clearly, somewhere within his dim interior.

      • Jams,
        I truly believe that Starver is just too stupid to know anything, his hubris is all pervading to the exclusion of what’s good for him until he gets a swift smack upside the head and has it writ large that he’s not serving his payers interests, then just merely denies what he’s said and changes tack. He’s like a hound chasing a hare, he doesn’t see the damn great tree in his path until he hits! Nearly lost one of my dogs, adorable creature unlike Starver, but thick as slurry and needed chaperoning when off the leash.
        God or serendipity save us from this terminal twit.

    • Thanks Jams, I already knew about it but in the UK sadly, nobody seems to either know or even care.

      Sleepwalking into their own oblivion!


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