John Mearsheimer – meet Jeffrey Sachs!

18 Sep

I ended the previous post, on the Children who rule the West, with this promise:

Coming soon: the zero sum addiction of the West’s rulers, versus China’s we win-you win.

Before I move on to fulfilling it, I want to show a video featuring two important American public intellectuals scathing of their country’s forever wars. Both have featured multiple times on this site and, while I have my disagreements, both have my respect as honest and erudite pundits.

Jeffrey Sachs, economics professor at Columbia University and one of many prominent Jewish academics – others being Chomsky, Finkelstein and Pappe – to damn Israel, was also advisor to Boris Yeltsin, the first and conveniently forgotten president of the Russian Federation after the collapse of the Soviet Union. While this might be held against him – see Chapters 10-11 of Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine for the why of that – he has been refreshingly candid about his political naivete when disaster capitalism came howling, a wolf in wolf’s clothing, at Russia’s door.

Professor Sachs has emerged as an eloquent and highly informed critic of US policy as regards two of the planet’s three most likely flashpoints for WW3; namely Ukraine and the Middle East.

Chicago University’s Professor Mearsheimer – nothing to do, I hasten to add, with the morally and theoretically bankrupt Chicago School of economics so effectively exposed by Ms Klein – is the man most associated with the Machiavellian school of ‘Political Realism’, aka Offensive Realism. This courteous man featured extensively in my March post, John Mearsheimer meets Piers Morgan, an event I’ll return to in a moment.

While Jeffrey Sachs is not a Political/Offensive Realist in the narrow sense used here, his vast non academic experience and, more importantly, reflection on the same have brought him close, as intellectual ally and – a truth on show in the debate below – personal friend to John Mearsheimer. Like John, he has been “an eloquent and highly informed critic of US policy as regards two of the planet’s three most likely flashpoints for WW3; namely Ukraine and the Middle East”.

But that same Realism-with-a-capital-R divides them on the third likely flashpoint. On which I’m with Jeffrey Sachs. As I put it in the previously cited March post, John Mearsheimer:

… at times voiced opinions I do not share – most importantly that the situation in China vis a vis  Taiwan 1  in no way mirrors that in Russia vis a vis  Ukraine – [but] did so in a manner consistent with the political philosophy he has both advanced and in his way popularised.

Even if that philosophy – with its failure to consider class – does blind him to what Ukraine and Taiwan share; their usefulness as sacrificial pawns to a wounded, insecure and on both counts triply dangerous US empire …

My bias may be colouring my view of Jeffrey as clear winner on this point. He cogently shows that, in our thermonuclear age, the zero sum philosophy of Washington – even if mirrored in Beijing (and I’m with Jeffrey on there being scant evidence of that) – makes John’s Realism deeply unrealistic.

Judge for yourself. Either way this, as the host notes in conclusion, is the most compelling of debates. Even the asinine assumptions informing some of the questions put to the learned pair do useful service in allowing brainwashed absurdities frighteningly prevalent to see light of day and therein be politely demolished.

* * *

  1. I here use Taiwan as a convenient shorthand. As John Mearsheimer, and others like the very different Brian Berletic, have often noted, the entire region – less Taiwan than East and South China Sea – constitutes a WW3 flashpoint. Indeed, one of my earliest posts as steel city scribe concedes the point. See Perilous days.

6 Replies to “John Mearsheimer – meet Jeffrey Sachs!

  1. I’m part way through watching this. Particularly enjoying listening to Jeffrey Sachs. A couple of things.

    Does anyone actually believe the US is a “liberal democracy”?

    And just wondering who the idiot who keeps going on about dictators is.

    I’ll continue with it now. Really good discussion. Thanks for this.

    • Does anyone actually believe the US is a “liberal democracy”?

      Not me, but I think the question is rendered irrelevant for both Mearsheimer and Sachs by their concurrence on its export (even if we take it as sincerely meant as opposed to “values” being the clothes in which “interests” real or perceived are draped) being disastrous even in Mearsheimer’s America-first terms.

      Speaking of self inflicted damage, you and me, Jeffrey and John, are surely agreed that America’s neocons – with Victoria Nuland their most visible face – have driven Mosco into the arms of Beijing. Three of us think that on balance a good thing, the fourth less so!

      the idiot who keeps going on about dictators …

      … is a useful one. Folk who come right out with wrongheaded takes are to be preferred to their (slightly) more sophisticated fellow travellers. As I put it in my final sentence, they “allow brainwashed absurdities frighteningly prevalent to see light of day and therein be politely demolished”.

      For a textbook case of this, I’m seeking a home in a not too distant post for a recent interview by Piers Morgan of Iranian Professor Mohammad Marendi. Morgan’s boneheaded but, I think, sincere questions give the vastly more sophisticated and informed Marendi ample space to refute their Western-centric underpinnings.

      Glad you’re enjoying the two profs. Have a great day Margaret.

  2. Hi again Phil.
    I’ve now watched the whole thing. I’m vastly impressed by Jeffrey Sachs. Less so John Mearsheimer.
    America’s neocons, described recently by one of the Russians, I forget who, as children playing with matches, have inflicted damage on their country, therefore their citizens, who I think are worse off than us, although Starmer’s doing his damdest to get us there.
    These professors sort of joke a bit about us all dying, but they’re every bit as fucking scared for their loved ones and the planet as we are.
    Anyway you have a good day. The September sunshine is nice x

    • Children playing with matches covers it, despite the insult to children. I’m guessing Medvedev, possibly Lavrov or Shoigu.

      On Starmer doing his damnedest, see the two Alexes today at the Duran. Just 26 minutes.

      • Just watched the Duran video.
        Don’t know if it’s possible to be more contemptuous of Starmer than I already am.
        It’s almost tragicomic watching this insignificant little man travelling round Europe trying to drum up support for what would lead to armegeddon.
        If I believed in God I’d say God help us, but I don’t.
        On a linked subject, while I wouldn’t vote for either Trump or Harris under any circumstances if I were a US citizen, I believe Kamala Harris would be more dangerous in the White House than Donald Trump, given that she strikes me as an albeit deranged, but empty vessel with a sadistic streak, who’d be only too happy to be pushed to the extreme by the warmongers she’d be surrounded by.
        What do you think on this?
        Not saying anything positive here about Trump, who’d I think be slightly less awful.

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