Middle East, ecocide, imperialism

13 Oct

Only connect, said Edward Morgan Forster. Sound advice, but to apply it with accuracy we need detailed facts, and axiomatic principles to organise them in evidence based narratives. I know intelligent men and women, whom I like and love and have so much in common with; men and women who at best tolerate my scribblings and at worst have given up on me. 1

My story, and I’m sticking to it, is that they don’t join the dots.

Just three things separate us. One, they don’t see, or act as if they see, that ours is not a genuine democracy but a financial oligarchy driven by laws of motion which demand that the needs of profit and accumulation trump all other considerations. Two, they don’t see that the West still rules the global south (and that an inexorable weakening of that rule is propelling us to nuclear war). Three, they don’t see, or act as if they see, that our corporate media – ‘popular’ or ‘elite’, generalist or niche, conservative or liberal – may deliver accurate news and honest opinion on matters by no means trivial but, on matters which go to the heart of oligarchy and empire, are systemically incapable of doing so.

But for those few triflings we’d get on like a house on fire. Prick me, do I not bleed?

Here’s a video I saw yesterday. It’s short – six minutes fifteen – so there’s a chance you’ll watch it in full. If you’re one of those I’ve just been speaking about it likely won’t change your point of view and more importantly get me back on your Xmas card list. But it does set out, in unusually concise form, the realities of class rule and empire. And it does so from the starting points on the one hand of genocide in Palestine, on the other the catastrophic effects on the global south of capitalism’s war – corollary of the primacy of profit – on nature.

Still with me? Here’s former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, unusually grim of countenance, on just how close we now are to thermonuclear annihilation.

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  1. Almost five years ago, in The tragedy of Corbynism, I wrote:

    I began political blogging ten years ago, with increased intensity in the past five or six. On a few issues – Russia, the 2016 US Election, Brexit, Syria, Venezuela – my positions, and reactions to them, have threatened or actually cost me friendships I valued. Yet no one took me to task over specifics. No one ever said:

    You know what, Phil? You’re dead wrong about Putin .. Trump/Clinton .. the nature of the EU .. Assad .. Maduro. And here, point by closely argued point, is why …

    Rather, they traded generalities. I’m biased, said some … an extremist, said others.

3 Replies to “Middle East, ecocide, imperialism

  1. Thank you for this. Especially Jason Hickel’s absolutely brilliant exposition of the dark evil of capitalism and its ruthless pursuit of itself even when it will cost us everything. I swim in a river very close to the natural world. My focus in the deep crisis in our humanity where we have alienated ourselves from the natural instincts and wisdom of the animal, which is in mammals with our warm hearts is not only a bonding with each other and the herd/tribe but a care for the whole ecosystem of which we are part. One of the roots of this darkness engulfing us it seems on every level, is this alienation from our true nature. We have in us naturally a biological inheritance which has in its core a love of life that transcends our species narcissism and recognises our interdependence and interconnectedness with all life. I can hear in what you write and in this brilliant speech by Jason Hickel and in other voices exposing the true darkness going on, exactly this love of life that is our only hope. We are comrades even if my focus is in the energy fields of life itself. So I hope Phil you won’t delete me from your Christmas card list even though I speak a different language! We are speaking do the same truths. As are others who read what you write and offer their comments.

    • Not different languages, Anne. Different dialects is all.

      I was telling a stretcher about the Xmas cards. I haven’t sent one in years. I dare say that, rather than my steel city scribblings, is why I get fewer cards with each passing yuletide.

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