
11 Jun

In town for 7:30 this morning, I was to meet Daniel, the daughter´s Mexican boyfriend, to watch the Mexico-South Africa game. In the event I couldn´t find the bar and ended up in a scruffy place selling disgusting coffee (they … Read More »

We lived like animals

14 Jan

Yesterday I was struck for the first time, amazing though that now seems, by a simple thought. I turned eighteen in 1970. Had we a Tony Blair in Downing Street at the time it’s not too fantastic a stretch – … Read More »

Real Vietnam

12 Jan

A twenty-five minute flight from Phu Quoc had me on the mainland town of Rach Gia before ten am on Sunday in good time for buses to Can Tho, hub town of the Mekong Delta. The first bus smelt strongly … Read More »