What is to be done?

22 Jan

There can be a temptation to sit back and cheerlead for this or that state or militant group and say they’re going to bring the empire to its knees, but really it isn’t their responsibility to end the western empire. It’s ours … It’s not fair for us to shirk off the responsibility of ending the western empire onto struggling nations with a lot more problems than we do. It is fully within our capability to awaken a revolutionary zeitgeist within our society so  we can use the power of our vast numbers to take down this machine and create a better world. Caitlin Johnstone, January 12 2025

This is one of those rare moments when I take issue with Caitlin. But before I do, bear with me as I set the scene – beginning with an earlier scourge of western empire.

Sometime between late 1902 and early 1903 Vladimir Lenin beat me to this post’s title with his best known polemical essay, What is to be done?  It advanced the then novel thesis that Marx had missed something important in his three volume magnus opus, Capital. It could no longer be argued, said Lenin, that capitalism would by its internal contradictions bring about its own negation. The workers of the world had not spontaneously led humanity into the socialism for which industrial capitalism, and industrial capitalism alone, prepares the ground.

They could only do so, he argued, under disciplined and informed revolutionary guidance. Thus was born the idea of a Vanguard Party which some fifteen years later, in ten days that shook the world, would lead Russia’s tiny proletariat and vast peasantry to seize state power and found a fledgling workers’ state.

It never occurred to Lenin that, in an imperialist world whose workings he had so exposed, 1 the USSR – a new born babe with wild wolves all around it  2 – could go it alone. His additions to Marx and Engels were not so radical as to break with their insistence that only by seizing state power in an advanced capitalism (which Russia assuredly was not) could a workers’ dictatorship (as opposed to a bourgeois one, whether authoritarian or quasi-democratic) lay the foundations for socialism. Axiomatic for Russia’s Bolsheviks was that October 1917 was a holding operation, pending revolution in the West. When that didn’t happen – when the two capitalisms in which they had invested most hope fell instead to fascism – Stalin shifted the goal posts to the pipe-dream of “socialism in one country”. 3 In the final decade of that same tumultuous century it fell to Mikhail Gorbachev to dismantle the USSR. While the knee-jerk end of socialism applauded – yippee: no more tiresome arguments over ‘communist tyranny’! – those less easily swayed by the tides of political fashion saw the demise of that extrinsically distorted state for the seismic defeat for humanity it truly was. 4

But we are where we are, and where we are is asking the question Lenin asked a dozen decades ago. What is to be done?


In a post of September 2021 – An open letter: isn’t China “just as bad”? – I summarised the state we’re in:

  • Our world is capitalist in its advanced stage of imperialism – the export of monopoly capital from global north to south, and the south to north repatriation of profits.
  • The prime beneficiaries of this world order are rentier elites in the most successful imperialisms: i.e. most of the former colonial powers (including the USA) but also the Antipodes, Canada, Scandinavia and an EU led by Germany. 5
  • In its initial progressive phase capitalism freed humanity, albeit at terrible cost, from feudal ties and slavery while hugely advancing human productivity. Now its structures (means of wealth creation in ever fewer hands) and laws of motion (prioritising above all else of private profits and insatiable accumulation) demand unsustainable levels of narrowly defined and grossly distorted ‘growth’, condemning the world to:

Re that last, men like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg – their “worth” exceeding the GDP of a medium sized nation – are the tip of the iceberg. On less visible aspects of how such gaping inequalities are irreconcilable with meaningful democracy, I’m with the Reverend Chris Hedges. I add only that his summary of oligarchy masquerading as democracy in the USA applies with near equal force to the collective West at large:

Those who wrote trade deals to profit from underemployment of U.S. workers and sweatshop labor overseas are omnipotent. The insurance and pharmaceutical industries that run healthcare for profit are omnipotent. The intelligence agencies that spy on the public are omnipotent. The courts that reinterpret laws to excuse corporate crimes are omnipotent.
Politics is a tawdry carnival act where a constant jockeying by the ruling class dominates the news. The real business of ruling is hidden, carried out by corporate lobbyists who write the legislation, banks that loot the Treasury, the war industry and an oligarchy that determines who gets elected and who does not. It is impossible to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs, the fossil fuel industry or Raytheon, no matter which party is in office.
Let’s stop pretending America is a functioning democracy

Having bullet-listed the direness of our straits I went on to speak of the lack, in the West at any rate, of credible currents of resistance …

… social democracy .. ‘vanguard’ revolutionary sects .. grass roots activism pace Occupy, XR etc – all have useful features but, each for its own reasons, zero chance of success of the kind and magnitude needed. My evidence for saying so is widely distributed across this site. For this reason, and the uncontroversial nature of the claim, I see no cause to labour the point …

… and from that assessment to the conclusion that China offers humankind’s only ray of hope:

I’ve long welcomed the rise of China not because of its intrinsic features – of which, like most Westerners across the political spectrum, I knew little – but because I saw as A Good Thing any check to US Exceptionalism’s pursuit of full spectrum dominance.
(A simple ‘market discipline’ analogy may help. Under capitalism a town with only one food store is worse for its people than a town with two. Provided they aren’t in cahoots, this holds even if the second owner is just as venal as his rival.)
Lately though I’ve been taking a closer look at China, and liking what I see. 

This conclusion, aided by the work of anti-imperialist economists ably epitomised by Michael Hudson, puts me – potentially at least – at odds with Caitlin Johnstone. In the January 12 post cited at the beginning – It’s Not The Responsibility Of The Global South To Bring Down The Empire. It’s Ours – she tells us that:

… we can’t expect the resistance fighters of the global south to fight our battles … it isn’t their responsibility to end the western empire. It’s ours.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Ansar Allah … are small groups with limited resources. Iran, Russia and China have their own concerns and are focused on surviving empire’s aggressions with their own national sovereignty intact. It is very possible the rise of China will end up dissolving the US empire’s stranglehold on our planet, but this could take a long time.
Empires always fall, but [this] could take a century or more if we don’t nuke ourselves in the meantime, and if the environmental disasters on the horizon don’t destroy human civilization first.

All true, and the hour is indeed late. But without a credible plan for taking up the burden – of a duty Caitlin seems to be saying defenders of the axis of resistance are shirking – knowing that we have little time doesn’t really get us very far …

… and what she offers falls well short of a credible plan:

It is fully within our capability to awaken a revolutionary zeitgeist within our society so that we can use the power of our vast numbers to take down this machine and create a better world.

Maybe that’s true too, and if it isn’t we do well to act as if it were. But is Caitlin suggesting that to voice moral support (unable as we are to offer any other kind) to the axis of resistance – all the while articulating to the best of our abilities why it is right and proper that we do so – is in some unfathomable way antithetical to doing our bit “to awaken a revolutionary zeitgeist”?

I see the two as inextricably interwoven. As she herself says:

We can begin working toward this awakening today. Doing all we can to help people see the unacceptable nature of the empire and its abuses, not just with their minds but with their hearts as well.

But arguments in defence of an axis of resistance vilified in Western mainstream discourse make no sense – let alone convincing sense – unless we who platform them are in the same breath pointing out the unacceptable nature of the empire and its abuses”. 

Is the false opposition she implies a solution in search of a problem? To give this truth-warrior her considerable due, that call – reminiscent of the great Rosa Luxemburg 6 – to engage heart as well as mind is one of the two qualities I most admire in Caitlin. 7 But we’re about to get to the one aspect of her worldview I don’t share:

We vastly outnumber our rulers. They rule solely by our consent. The empire requires not only our docility and obedience but our labor and our continued purchasing behavior as well. If enough of us refuse to consent to giving them any of these things, we can force the end of our corrupt, murderous governments and systems, and replace them with something far healthier.

It is a defining feature of all ruling classes that they are outnumbered by those they rule. What, otherwise, would be the point? Being outnumbered enables the few to live in such opulence on the surplus wealth created by the many. But of itself this disparity in numbers no more contains the key to their downfall than a comparable disparity enables the rabbits of the warren to unite and overthrow the weasel. So atomised and unorganised are the many – so bereft of effective and principled leadership – that the likeliest beneficiaries of empire collapsing under the weight of its own lunacy will not be some rainbow alliance of the enlightened. They will be humanity’s darkest elements.

That’s why Marxism needed its Lenin; a truth which holds irrespective of my conclusion that in today’s West the Vanguard Party is a ship that sailed long ago. In another defence of China, in this case not from liberal naivete but an ultra-Leftism of which Lenin was scathing, 8 I wrote:

The far left’s refusal to distinguish on the one hand China’s state-monitored industrial capitalism, its big banks firmly outside the private sector; on the other the usurping of state control by the West’s oligarchs, leads it to dismiss China as a progressive force. Rather, crying plague on China and the West both, it embraces (or pays lip service to) a fantasy of violently overthrowing capitalisms armed to the teeth, versed in all the dark arts, and wielding tools of surveillance beyond the wildest dreams of the 20th century totalitarianisms. This, moreover, in a West whose export of industry has eroded the very socialising conditions – an exploitation experienced en masse in the huge dark Satanic mills of Marx’s day – which led him to see the proletariat as the only force with both the means and the motive to take humanity into socialism.
On my travel bucket list: North Korea

To be clear, Caitlin is not one of those who damn China, from liberal or ultra-leftist perspective, for the road it has taken. (Nor does she pour venom on those other nations, most prominently the Russian Federation, which together constitute this axis of resistance.) But on the question of what is to be done, I need her to show me the plan. Alas, “awakening a revolutionary zeitgeist within our society so that we can use the power of our vast numbers to take down this machine and create a better world”  just doesn’t cut it for me. The awakening she speaks of may (or may not) be a necessary condition for averting catastrophe. It is emphatically not a sufficient one.

* * *

  1. See Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism, written amidst imperialism’s first globally internecine war and on the eve of the Russian Revolution.
  2. I don’t say Bob Dylan had the USSR in mind with that line in Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall, but it’s apt. Do those who make the obtusely complacent judgment, that what befell the world’s first workers’ state proves “socialism doesn’t work”, truly believe a vastly more powerful West sat back with dispassionate curiosity to let this interesting experiment play out unimpeded? They need to brush up on their history – from the fourteen nations whose armies fought alongside Cossacks in the appallingly savage “civil war” of 1918-21, to Team Reagan’s successful project of forcing an arms race which bled dry the Soviet economy.
  3. One indicator of the oxymoronic nature of “socialism in one country” can be found in Castro’s remonstrations with the USSR for trading with Cuba on the basis of a law of value Marxist economists know to be inherently exploitative. Another was Stalin’s unpreparedness for Hitler tearing up the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and launching his epoch-shaping gamble, Operation Barbarossa.
  4. The rise of welfarism in the most successful European imperialisms was an unabashed response to the USSR, calculated to forestall workers seeking revolutionary answers to impoverishment. In similar vein both FDR’s New Deal, and LBJ’s opposition to deep south segregation, were sold to the die-hards on the basis of US capitalism needing to raise its game else cede to Moscow the moral high ground. History seldom repeats exactly, and the racism once needed to justify first a free and then a cheap labour pool at home, and plunder overseas, is past its sell-by date for the elites of today’s hyper-financialised West. Reining in welfarism and calling it austerity on the other hand …

    The point being that the fall of the USSR, and with it – since China had yet to show its full hand – the end of history any credible alternative to free markets unfettered, held out the promise of capitalism on steroids. Bear this in mind as you meditate on the West’s rotting inner cities and permanent precariat, its welfare systems on life support, and a heap of other blights whose fixing should be the alpha and omega of economics but which stay stubbornly unfixed. Do these things not attest to a capitalism whose business case for Being Nice vaporised in 1991? Reductive? if you say so. But to deny any link between the demise of the USSR, and worsening of labour conditions and state provision both in the West and (China excepted) the global south is to ignore the blindingly obvious.

  5. The outdatedness of my reference, forty months ago, to “an EU led by Germany” bears its own witness to the rapidity of a Western decline accelerated by Europe’s failed gamble in the Ukraine.
  6. It was Rosa who set the context assumed by discussions like this one, through the clarity of her formulation that humanity even then faced a stark choice: the socialising of wealth creation to prioritise human (hence planetary) need over private profit – else barbarism. Her fate was to end up face down in a Berlin canal, courtesy that barbarism. Ours hangs in the balance but the omens aren’t good.
  7. For the other quality I admire in Caitlin see my previous post.
  8. See “Left-Wing” Communism: an infantile disorder.”

12 Replies to “What is to be done?

  1. The ‘how’ question certainly needs to be addressed.

    However, in terms of Caitlin Johnson’s argument, before that ‘how’ question is considered there is a need to accept the equally important question of “why”.

    I’ve learned not to assume that a general understanding of terms, concepts and arguments are necessarily congruent with that of my own understanding (Gilbert Doctorow has a recent piece, for example, where he highlights one contributor who cannot see any problem with the aspiration of the US, or any nation state, to be ‘exceptional’).

    One counterintuitive (at least to myself) way to respond to Caitlin’s argument here is “why” we – that is the populations of the West – should take any responsibility whatsoever for sorting out the mess caused by our culture’s ‘we win-you lose’ (Trumpian honesty) zero sum approach carried out under our name but not to our benefit by Western elites and oligarch’s.

    For sure, employment in a context of organisational dissolvement (not to mention efficacy – where everything is less rather than more than the sum of their parts) to the point of a growing self-employed ‘lump’ labour force where wage levels are insufficient to sustain a growing number of people has produced outcomes such as growing queues at foodbanks, a third of children (at the nearest school to where I reside) going to school hungry every day); working people needing social security; fuel poverty: growing homelessness: drug addiction: and rising real, but largely unresolved,crime (as opposed to political crime – ‘hate’, protest, dissent etc – which does get addressed more). The economy, as Richard Murphy demonstrates, is flatlining. The UK, along with the rest of the US vassals in the Western sphere has, for the most part de-industrialised for the benefit of MAGA Exceptionalism and nothing, from basic infrastructure to institutions and the remnants of organisations which have long given up the ghost of basic organisational principles, actually works in any effective sense.

    Yet, unlike in too many places on the planet, no one in the decaying walking corpse of the West is being bombed back to the Stone Age. Yet. A majority are still getting by – even though the number for whom the term “just” would apply is increasing. Basic things like water, electricity, gas, food etc are certainly becoming more and more expensive and, for an increasing number, unaffordable. But there are no shortages. Yet. We have not, unlike many places on the planet, reached the bottom of Marlow’s hierarchy of needs for a majority of the populace/Crown subjects as a direct result of Western oligarch culture and its zero sum approach. Yet.

    And therein lies the problem. That ‘yet’. On that aspect of the argument put forward, Caitlin Johnson has the best of it in terms of that “Why” there is a need to take that responsibility.

    For the majority of the planet, the point of everyday survival against that Western system has either been reached or is a real threat. And you can bet the house, pension and everything – however little it may be – that you have that at some point the Western populations, which Johnson insists must take some responsibility for dealing with, will be forced to take that responsibility because, like much of the rest of the world, survival will require it.

    Having fought Russia to almost the last Ukrainian what passes for a UK Government – and at least one other European State – give every indication of wanting to continue down to the last Briton and French man/woman. Additionally, there can be little doubt in anyone paying attention that the supine comprador elites of Europe will be busting a gut in competition with each other to commit more and more of our dwindling resource base of blood and treasure to the offence budget to please Washington and its exceptionalist consensus. Whoever nominally occupies the White House.

    Which means a growing bigger and bigger finance black hole sucking more and more ever increasing money and resources from health, utilities, education, social security, food security, energy security, pensions etc. And when that’s run out, wages, private as well as public housing and other already crumbling infrastructure, transport, and anything else not superglued to the bedrock of the planet no matter who nominally ‘owns’ it. Particularly here in the UK with its unwritten flexible constitution where everyone and where they live is considered the domain of “The Crown” – ie the oligarchy – and subject to its whims.

    On which note, as an aside, the Christmas speech by the gibbering half wit currently occupying that position was instructive and revealing. Westphalian national sovereignty is out, and you will own nothing and be happy (or else) Global Government under permanent neo-Liberal/feudal and neo conservative tutelage is the new order.

    On that ‘why’ aspect of Johnson’s argument the other option of not taking responsibility increasingly risks basic survival. Not simply at individual level but as a society and a civilisation. Particularly in a context in which, for anyone paying attention, the Western sociopathic oligarch elite is very clearly salivating over what they see as the potential of AI to solve the “problem” of their reliance on the majority of the non-elite human populace as increasingly surplus to requirements taking up and using resources they consider belong exclusively and exceptionally to them.

    The “how” certainly needs urgent attention. The “why” is a no brainer. Because we are next.

    • … before that ‘how’ question is considered there is a need to accept the equally important question of “why” …

      Of course, else this post is itself “a solution in search of a problem”. But isn’t this entire site one long exploration of the why? For once I’m putting a “how question” on the table. I wish only that I could plonk down a “how answer” right next to it!

      Your comment bristles, as ever, with striking if dismaying truths. To pick just one, you and I have spoken before about high demand for food banks in your neck of the woods; a town a few short miles from the steel city and to the casual eye not obviously run down.

      (As I recall we met virtually, BTL at Off-Guardian, and were in e-communication some two years before a chance remark revealed that on the terrestrial plane we were practically neighbours.)

      The hideous deformations produced by empire in decline are legion. I often lament that SCS is not a group project. That would introduce different problems, to be sure, but addressing a broader range of issues has its appeal. One such, denied by my focus on crunch points thousands of miles away, being human suffering in the imperial hub itself.

      • On that last observation regarding the problems inside the imperial hub itself – the Home Front, so to speak – the “how” question is also relevant to the matter of in what forms that suffering could manifest itself over time.

        I was thinking about this earlier today. Then I came across this in the past hour or so.


        Two sentences stood out:

        This one:

        “This isn’t evidence-based policy; it’s policy-based evidence, where the conclusion came before the research.”

        Which succinctly sums up the post-modernist Zeitgeist.

        And, more to the point:

        “Labour plans to force banks to automatically report your account details to the DWP if you dare to save more than £16,000”

        Having done some quick checking, I’m satisfied that I’ve confirmed the initial assumption that since 1948 the UK State Pension is legally classified/designated/defined as a Benefit.

        Which means, for example, that even that proportion of the WASPI Women who are in receipt of even a small company pension – with its lump sum on retirement – could well find themselves with bank account cash assets exceeding that £16K.

        Joining a not insignificant number of pensioners (like thee and me) heading rapidly to the front of that particular queue to be a potential target of the clampdown on the “overpayment” of benefits.

        Which probably won’t go down well even if Starmer manages to get a thank you letter signed by Zelensky.

        One wonders what other “how” methods may be in the pipeline on the Home Front?

  2. One of the big ‘what if’ questions of history is: ‘What if Trotsky and the rest of the Politburo had out-manoeuvred Stalin and instituted a less person-fixated and generally “Trotskyist” regime in the USSR?” I imagine the there have been essays dealing with this, but I haven’t come across them. But it’s extremely interesting. Would the USSR still be here today? And if so, what would it look like?

    As for where we are now and what do we do? Well, I’m no Lenin – all I can say is that we in the left are presently heavily outnumbered by a) the rich et al and their numerous parasites on one hand, and b) the mass of ‘lumpen’ unawakened workers and disenfranchised slaves on the other. Of course this is a sweeping statement – there are always limited but brave and self-sacrificing union revolutionaries and followers who make real but small advances in both material terms and consciousness, all over the world. But in my opinion it will need real, destructive, society-ending circumstances, such as applied during the French and Russian revolutions, to enable the POSSIBILITY of any leftist advance. Maybe start planning with your children!

    These circumstances may be forthcoming, with the end of the oil civilisation (see https://thehonestsorcerer.substack.com/p/2025-a-civilizational-tipping-point ) for a quick run down on that possibility, but that won’t be for another 40 or so years, so outwith my personal time frame.

    As they say, prediction is difficult, especially about the future. I recommend following the Eightfold Path, maybe holding Das Kapital in one hand, and the Dhammapada in the other! (Other options are available, e.g. Richard Dawkins, if that’s where your tastes lie , but not mine. Although I hope I won’t be coming back anytime soon.)

    • What if Trotsky and the rest of the Politburo had out-manoeuvred Stalin and instituted a less person-fixated and generally “Trotskyist” regime in the USSR?

      A BTL contributor on this site, bevin – like me an escapee from a Trotskyite sect – opined that, given the isolation of the Soviet Union after first Italy and then Germany embraced fascism, Stalinism was unavoidable. Trotskyists – and I speak as a (qualified) admirer of their man for reasons set out in this Syria post – can denounce Stalin till the cows come home but I think bevin is likely right.

      I have to go out, so can’t for the moment respond to your other remarks. Watch this space …

      • I don’t agree with the thesis that anything is ‘unavoidable’ in terms of politics, which are inherently unstable, being based on human thought processes and emotions. There are other spheres such as war, where for example, 1940’s Germany or 2020’s Ukraine were never going to win against Russia, because of inherent economic realities. The ‘isolation’ of the USSR however had no such pre-ordained consequence – it could have led to any number of outcomes, depending on the interplay between the leadership and the citizens. (No Stalin, no purges, or different purges or more Trotskyist grass-roots input, or . . . ? etc.) The USSR got on reasonably well in the 20’s and 30’s despite being so isolated, despite (I don’t think necessarily because of) Stalin. Stalins anti kulak drives did a lot of avoidable damage. To think that Stalin was ‘inevitable’ would seem to assume some ‘law of nature’ for societies regardless of their economic circumstances, which does not seem to me to be a particularly Marxist conclusion. However, I’m definitely not an expert in such matters. Know of any pertinent reading material?

        • I didn’t express myself well. I think what bevin meant is that condemnations from the mainstream of “socialism in one country” are almost always glibly indifferent to the material conditions confronting the ravaged (WW1 plus Brest-Litovsk), exhausted (three years of “civil war” in which Trotsky’s Red Army had prevailed at eye-watering human and materiel cost) and in any case backward state that was Russia. And that condemnations from the Trotskyist Left invariably fall back on the unproven mantra that “permanent revolution” could have saved the day.

          Speaking of Trotsky, his “The Revolution Betrayed” does pay backhanded compliment to Stalin, or more precisely to the superiority of a planned economy even under the heavy-handed stewardship of the man. That superiority saw industrial plant moved 3,000 miles east, in the wake of Barbarossa, with the result that in the cruel years to follow the USSR was putting many more tanks into the field and fighter planes into the air than the Allies – and more to the point Hitler – had thought possible. More generally, during the cold war the USSR was constantly compared with the handful of imperialist nations doing well on the exploitation of the global south to “prove” the superiority of capitalism. Better comparators, given how far and fast it had advanced since 1917, would have been Greece or India.

          Stalin made many criminal mistakes, and his foreign policy always reflected his all too personal wars in the Kremlin, but the argument on inevitability (or not) is a two-edged thing. It’s far from evident that Trotsky or anyone else could have done better. I fear this is one for the “if only” brigade.

          • You’re right, of course – it is an ‘if only’, and basically an exercise in futility. However, I still contend that there was nothing inevitable about Stalin. Say someone had assassinated him in e.g. 1914 – would another replacement Stalin have appeared? I think not.

  3. A bit late in the day, but I wanted to acknowledge the power of your comment Dave. Not withstanding that I agree with Phil’s analysis that the way forward for us to take responsibility to take on our own Ruling Class in the collective west is currently lacking any viable plan, your analysis of ‘why’ we must find a way to do so is a clear rebuff to any notions of ‘what is the pointism?’ – which I am sure many of us feel at times. I agree with Caitlin that we can’t sit back and wait for the Global Majority to sort this out, but in the absence of any signs that our Ruling Class is able to adjust its approach to the development of a multipolar reality I fear that only defeat for the West (economically and militarily) will resolve the current global standoff. This is clearly problematic in that even if this does not result in nuclear armageddon the consequences for all of us in the West will be dire.

    • only defeat for the West (economically and militarily) will resolve the current global standoff [but] even if this does not result in nuclear armageddon the consequences for all of us in the West will be dire.


      As for the wider question, there are many voices doing a good job of articulating WHY things have to change. This is a core task and we all must continue pointing out, with heart and brain and to the best of our abilities and energies, the needless suffering consequent on political systems run at the expense of the many (even within the rich nations) for the benefit of the few …

      … and the perils we all face as a consequence of (a) the few’s exploitation of people and planet and (b) their refusal to accept that their licence to do so with impunity has expired.

      Caitlin – and, again, I’m with her on all else – says too many in the anti-imperialist camp are cheerleading for China, Russia, Iran or even Ansar Allah to do our job for us. That we must instead awaken the Slumbering Many in the imperialist countries. I say that’s a false opposition when the first cannot be done without the second …

      … and that a far bigger problem in the anti-imperialist camp is a tacit hence insufficiently examined assumption that by awakening the Many, victory is assured. T’ain’t so.

      the likeliest beneficiaries of empire collapsing under the weight of its own lunacy will not be some rainbow alliance of the enlightened. They will be humanity’s darkest elements.

      The Marx-Leninist model has been laid off, in the West at least, by finance capital no longer needing armies of workers in huge factories.

      (Under a system where most of us must sell our labour Or Else, buyers of the same grow – due to automation and to jobs and skills having gone literally south – ever fewer. Never in the history of homo sapiens sapiens have so many been so economically superfluous. Few in mainstream or leftist discourse speak of this, at least not the way I just framed it, but the oligarchs gathered this week at Davos will have – behind closed doors and with no ‘solution’ too cruel for consideration.)

      So, yes, the Marx-Leninist model has been overtaken by events, in the West at least, but my God – where’s a Lenin when you need one?

  4. “but the oligarchs gathered this week at Davos will have”

    At least one approach is evident:


    The 99% will be a lot easier to control and made to STFU or else when everyone has to have a digital ID to operate and function under the kind of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) which is likely to be on this particular drawing board.

    As matters stand, I see no evidence in my daily observations and contact (direct social and online) of anything more than a tiny minority in the Collective West corner of the globe taking any of that ‘why’ responsibility beyond moaning and parroting (often to the point of insistence in arguing TINA) the dog whistle bullshit fed to us by the oligarch’s corporate media.

    Whilst that’s not an argument to stop exploring the ‘how’ question or arguing with those Bohoffer……..


    identifies – who, like the fictional Borg, seem to be everywhere – a Plan B of simultaneously preparing for the time when the hatches have to be battoned down to whether the coming storms would seem to be prudent.

  5. Who would have thought, seventy years ago, that ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’ could actually be combined into one realisation of society?

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