I can envisage no scenario in which things do not get much worse, in the west at least, before they get better.
Broken: the implicit contract between ruler and ruled
Washington and its criminally complicit allies didn’t have to lose their supremacy so quickly, but greed, contempt for life and truth, and terminal corruption, not to mention the mounting, incurable ills of capitalism, their true religion, took their toll and imperial arrogance did the rest.
Greanville post alert, elow
I can’t supply a link for the following. It appeared two days ago as a Greanville Post newsfeed.
So it finally happened. The US Empire literally overextended itself in lies and conflicts, and ended up showing the world it is no longer a credible Hegemon.
Undeniably, the epochal turning point, so eagerly awaited in the Global South, came when Russia’s armies clearly defeated – against massive derogatory prognostication – the military might of the collective West in Ukraine, a gigantic accomplishment, while China quietly became the most powerful industrial engine in history. What’s probably most embarrassing to the West’s ruling cliques, those still capable of self-reflection, is that the rapid emergence of these two formidable peer powers resulted in large measure from pathetic policy errors that could have been easily avoided. Washington and its criminally complicit allies didn’t have to lose their supremacy so quickly, but greed, contempt for life and truth, and terminal corruption, not to mention the mounting, incurable ills of capitalism, their true religion, took their toll and imperial arrogance did the rest. The US and the EU are now tottering, flailing about on the world stage, showing the ravages of massive leadership failure. Dangers aside, this is good for the rest of humanity.
Washington’s problem is systemic and organic. That’s why in the midst of this self-inflicted crisis the West’s huge disinformation machine is showing signs of disarray. The totalitarian degree of censorship and deception required to deny the truth about Ukraine and now Israel apparently stressed and finally broke the walls protecting the official narrative, and now the truth, so long repressed, is pouring out from a million places like a mighty tsunami. Since truth improves the chances of survival for everyone, this is to be celebrated.
Ironically, the unmasking of the Empire occurred because Israel – Washington’s pampered Z
* * *
This reads as a ray of hope, to me at least, in a dark world.
Peace and goodwill, badly needed.
Peace and goodwill to you too Margaret.
I wholeheartedly concur with the sentiment here, but beware wishful thinking. This empire won’t quietly disappear overnight with a defeated whimper. It’ll go down flailing, raging against the dying of the light. As we’re seeing demonstrated all too starkly just now, the US is an especially belligerent, destructive and paranoid hegemon, armed to the teeth and driven by the psychopathic greed and lust for dominance of its ruling elites to inflict maximum damage on its perceived adversaries and its ‘friends’ alike (vide Ukraine). Its passing will more than likely be a blessing for the world’s majority – if any of us survive the process and if there’s still a world left to inherit.
Yes I also agree entirely. I try to avoid wishful thinking and have no illusions about what this empire is capable of. They were slaughtering millions in Korea when I was a small child and they’re still doing it now 70 years on, with total impunity.
The late Harold Pinter said it perfectly – if you haven’t already I highly recommend looking out his Nobel
acceptance speech. It was so on the nail
he was subjected to mental health slurs
and basically told he should stfu.
Still, what do we have if not hope?
Thanks for replying. Yes, I play excerpts from Pinter’s speech for my students when we analyse the War on Terror and its legacy. It’s hard to maintain hope in such times as we now find ourselves in. But I guess we have to observe the old Gramsci axiom: pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will. Venceremos!
Thanks both of you for the reference to Harold Pinter. A search on his name shows his 2005 Nobel Prize acceptance speech to have featured often on this site:
I hope to find a home for your comment, Huple’s cat, either as a masthead quote or intro to a set of posts I’m currently struggling with on the inevitable collapse of the US empire. Though I’ve learned much since writing Perilous Days in 2016, I stand by all its core assertions.