Scotland and other matters

6 May

Yesterday’s elections give the Labour right little real ammo in its dirty war on Corbyn. The worst showing was in Scotland but that was (a) inevitable given SNP ascendance and (b) like that ascendance a product – we can validly … Read More »

The next US President? A closer look

3 May

04/04/2016. I wrote this last night, before today’s news from Indiana. I don’t say the presidency is a kick-in for Hillary. She has many skeletons and Trump, who has even ‘higher negatives’ but fewer known skeletons, will go at her … Read More »

Irrationality rules, got it?

29 Apr

Thinking people can go into a tailspin of despair when confronted with the stark truth they’ve overestimated the power of reason. Yesterday self righteousness, pack instinct, unthinking emotionalism, malice and rank opportunism swept reason aside in the Labour Party. Before … Read More »

Labour’s Naz Shah suspended

27 Apr

See my post of five days ago, after Malia Bouattia’s election as NUS President. Now right wing blogger Guido Fawkes is bragging – with some justification, more’s the pity – that he forced Labour to suspend Naz Shah, who last … Read More »

Privatising the NHS

27 Apr

My sweetie looks worried. There’s blood in my pee. Oh. And what did we eat yesterday? Er, beetroot. Right, and plenty of it. That’ll be forty-three pounds-ninety please. Plus VAT. Actually and seriously, these days we have to go to … Read More »

Hillsborough Inquest

27 Apr

Unlawfully killed. After twenty-seven years, and despite the legal bar for such a verdict being very high indeed, the families of the victims have the beginnings of justice. Some elements of the saga are tragic in their banality. A nasty, … Read More »

Hillary: the progressive choice?

24 Apr

When you’re young you’re thinking, ‘where are the boys?’ The boys are with Bernie.  Gloria Steinem Hillary Clinton will always be there for you. And just remember, there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!  … Read More »