So lawyers do poetry now?

17 Dec

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Remember Martin Shrkeli? He launched Retrophin, a company that acquired rights to drugs for rare diseases, then ramped up their prices. One example was Thiola, used to treat a disease causing kidney stones. After it came into the Retrophin … Read More »

Reviews: Grandma; Red Rosa

16 Dec

Saw Grandma tonight and have to say I was underwhelmed. As vehicle for uncovering the high principles, low cunning and wrinkled foibles of septuagenarian feminist and hippie, academic and poet, lesbian and life-loving misanthrope, a picaresque day in the life … Read More »

Avarice and the human condition

10 Dec

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]It’s a seductive message, but reactionary. Take greed, one of the seven deadlies and universally castigated, with greater or lesser hypocrisy and force, since time began. The ambivalence of our reluctant acceptance – admiring disapproval? – of greed reflects … Read More »


8 Dec

I’ve been writing scathing posts for too long. Need to lighten up. There’s beauty in the world yet … A few years ago a Radio 4 Saturday slot had listeners sending in the stories behind cherished possessions, the things they’d … Read More »