Film Review: Danish Girl

9 Jan

If I hadn’t spent my Xmas/New Year gap week in Copenhagen I’d probably have filed Danish Girl – man discovers he’s a woman trapped in the wrong body – under Worthy-but-Dull and given it a miss. So I’m now doubly … Read More »

It’s tough up north tha knows

7 Jan

[ezcol_1half] [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Michael White’s Guardian piece yesterday … do give it a read and tell me if and when, in any newspaper alleged to be ‘quality’, you ever saw anything so crass and childish. White contrasts the “tough” north – … Read More »

Corbyn Reshuffle?

2 Jan

In today’s Guardian, political editor Toby Helm anticipates the replacement of Hilary Benn and Maria Eagle in an imminent reshuffle by Jeremy Corbyn. Such a reshuffle, Helm tells us, would be “high risk”; one likely outcome being the resignation of … Read More »

Gift for a shutterbug

25 Dec

[ezcol_1half]Because they hang onto my every word, so know every detail of my passion for photography, down to the mid focal length gap in my lens collection, and because they love and admire me so, Rhianna (18) and Charis (15) … Read More »

Escher! Get your ass up here

21 Dec

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]I saw this, originating in the New Yorker, on FB just this morning. An Escher admirer for forty years and more, how could I resist? We don’t need this information to appreciate the New Yorker humour but as it … Read More »