I’ll take seriously …

5 Nov

… those who say she is the lesser evil since he is misogynist when they look me in the eye to tell me millions of women, their lives disproportionately blighted by her warmongering, aren’t relevant to that debate. Ditto the millions of American mothers already in poverty, and whose burden is set to increase as she delivers the cuts in welfare demanded by Wall Street …

…  those who say she is the lesser evil since he is a Putin appeaser when they look me in the eye to explain how her “no fly zone” for Syria is not a calculated aggression that would take us all one step closer to WW3 …

But most of all I’ll take seriously those who say she is the lesser evil when they explain why, if they truly believe that – with its corollary damning indictment of American “democracy” – they’re not pouring heart and soul into building an alternative.

PS – the fact I don’t buy the idea of HRC as lesser evil in no way means I’d vote for DJT. And no, if we have even a scintilla of faith left in ‘democracy’, a vote for Stein is not a vote for Clinton, nor for Trump. Guess what; it’s a vote for Stein!
Yet seeing the Maverick Philistine as opposed to the Warmonger for Wall Street in the White House is precisely what the clever fool, Slavoj Žižek, wants. Good crisp response to Žižek’s armchair ultra-leftism in Left Voice the other day.

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