Thus spake Hillary

12 Nov

Spotted this morning, an FB friend living in Cairo referencing a story – click on the image – in yesterday’s Guardian. Her warmongering – its victims dark skinned and disproportionately female – aside, Ms Clinton is given to portraying herself … Read More »

My October reads

23 Oct

this post also features on offguardian Aptly enough – one hundred and two years to the month since those ‘Ten Days that Shook the World’ – all three (four if you’re on the ball) of my read recommends today are … Read More »

Three short reads from September

29 Sep

this post also features in offguardian [ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Let none accuse me of frivolity. My reads this month could not be more serious.  As the West continues to vilify Russia, Tony Kevin gives a more sober assessment. While the trashing of … Read More »

American Conservative on Russia

18 Jan

For the second time in three days I’m indebted to OffGuardian editor Vaska. Her FB posting of a cringeworthy example of Israeli hasbara prompted my post: Breast cancer, feminism, Israeli warplanes. Today she put this up: Vaska is right – … Read More »