Gallant Iceland on Assange

15 Apr

I’ve been a fan of this tiny country since my visit in April 2017. Now I’m a bigger fan. Thanks Ian Jenkins for this extract from Portuguese journalist Marta Pacheco’s December 2016 interview with Ögmundur Jónasson, Icelandic Minister for the … Read More »

Lindsey German on Brexit

2 Apr

Most of my friends are baby boomers like me. As a rule we dislike capitalism but don’t dislike it enough. Faintly pink, or fire engine red, we too often fail to see – though the pieces are there for all … Read More »

Catalonia: an anarchist perspective

22 Oct

LPA – long post alert! This needs an hour, maybe two. This is a busy October. It’s five hundred years to the month since an exasperated preacher and professor in theology nailed his ‘grievances’, a summation of ninety-five theses written … Read More »

Greece and the IMF

21 Feb

It’s been a while since I posted on Greece. Today in CounterPunch I came across a dialogue between Sharmini Peries, co-founder of Real News, and Michael Hudson, Economics Professor at the University of Missouri. Hudson, you may recall, was extensively … Read More »

Don’t blame me …

24 Jun

Yesterday I gave my pencilled cross to a corrupt institution that only last year condemned millions of Greeks to a poverty they’d done nothing to deserve, and has plotted and connived behind our backs to subvert popular will in the … Read More »