Houghton Mill to Huntingdon

17 Sep

Note to self: when sleeping overnight in car on industrial estate, avoid tight spaces behind lorry trailers. On Tuesday night I disregarded this elementary advice. Having left the Kings Arms shortly after posting Afloat in the Fens, Google Maps took … Read More »

Afloat in the fens

15 Sep

It’s a scorching afternoon, still and sultry. A minute after putting in at Islip, I disturb a grey heron. It flaps a gawky take off across the river twenty metres ahead. Ten minutes after that I hear a tiny plash … Read More »

Saturday on the Soar

13 Sep

Needing spiritual refreshment after two months making repairs to my house in Sheffield (I let it out, and hand over the rent collected to my own landlord) and a recent flurry of posts on Julian Assange, I took the junior … Read More »

Norfolk again

1 Aug

See also, Four days in Norfolk. Our cottage for the week in Great Snoring, four miles north-east of Fakenham in the north of one of my favourite counties. Not that we spent much time in it. The cliffs at Winterton … Read More »

Walking the Erewash

21 Apr

Don’t say ‘earwash’. I’ve penned this ode to not making a fool of yourself around these parts. Yesterday I drove to Toton Fields, bottom right on the map and a mile east of Long Eaton, to let the dogs out. … Read More »

Sex near the city

18 Sep

Attenborough yesterday. The early autumn fruits are ready – apple and blackberry, elderberry, hawberry and rosehip. Horse chestnut even. While cabbage whites do floral cunnilingus, honey bees go deep stick. Everyone’s a winner. Red winged damselflies do it in the … Read More »