Am I Islamophobe? Not any more.

11 Feb

Like most people I’m a mix of clever and stupid. I’m good on abstract thinking, verbal reasoning and synthesising disparate information to draw robust – if at times startling – conclusions, via cogent arguments that engage with relevant realities. Not … Read More »

Friendship and politics

5 Feb

Most of my friends are liberals who do not share the political outlook I’ve come to, these past few years. Since I don’t choose friends on that basis, and nor in the main do they, this does not usually pose … Read More »

Film Review: Manchester by the Sea

21 Jan

[ezcol_1half]Masterful non linear story telling with bursts of off-the-wall naturalism reminiscent of the Coen brothers … … add in sardonic wit, piercing pathos, a touch of slapstick and scenes of poignantly silent estrangement … … and the result, once we factor … Read More »

What’s a writer to do?

20 Jan

Today’s the day. John Pilger says this of the indignation of the self styled Writers Resist: On the day President Trump is inaugurated, thousands of writers in the United States will express their indignation. “In order for us to heal … Read More »

Irony detectors need not apply

19 Jan

Nor does the irony end here. That tireless crusader for workers’ rights and social justice, the Mail, weighed  in with this piece: Oh the irony! Fight Against Slavery advertises for ‘volunteer unpaid’ staff to work for FREE and ‘join the … Read More »