Shooting to Kill: the war on Corbyn

18 Jan

[ezcol_2third][/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_1third_end]BBC editor Laura Kuenssberg inaccurately reported Jeremy Corbyn’s views on shoot-to-kill in the wake of the terror attacks in Paris, says the BBC Trust Regulator today. The broadcast was “not duly accurate” in presenting “an answer Mr Corbyn had … Read More »

Pristine logic on Syria

18 Jan

One thing missing from discussion of Baa’thist Syria’s record on human rights, which I’ve long insisted was (a) distorted and (b) nothing but a pretext for removing another insufficiently Washington compliant government – where (a) follows (b) as night on … Read More »

Guardian BTL exchanges on Russia

17 Jan

That zerohoursuni fellow’s been at it again. Today’s Guardian had Lucianna stating, in a below-the-line comment on a characteristically superficial piece on whether Dodgy Dave Cameron is “fit” – whatever that means – to head NATO, that: Poland and the … Read More »

Nice people …

15 Jan

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]My FB post elicited the exchange below. It alludes to two comments not shown. One is by Mick, who’d cited Niemoller’s famous words, ‘first they came for the Jews ..’  The other is to a video targeting Meryl’s attack … Read More »