The man who turned into a sofa

22 Jun

Today on BBC Radio 4, told from the alternating perspectives of family members where dad is laid low by clinical depression: a moving and creative exploration in prose monologue and rhyming verse. It even ends well. One of those rarities … Read More »

His Purpleness …

21 Apr

… the impossible, the outrageously and stratospherically talented Artist Known as Prince has died this day. Sometimes it snows in April. I just heard someone on the radio offer that “he played guitar as well as Hendrix, wrote songs as … Read More »

Is Photoshop cheating?

1 Feb

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]A friend asked: were my images of Burbage Photoshopped? Absolutely. I edit all photos in Lightroom and/or Photoshop. In my days of teaching photography at the University of Sheffield, when students boasted that they never edited images after exposure … Read More »

Film Review – Spotlight

31 Jan

[ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Thursday. I walk near Redmires with Sue. Here’s the conduit curving over the moors to the reservoir. Should’ve changed lens. Cutting ‘elbows’ is naff. A lazy snapper’s a bad snapper. We spoke of films, including Spotlight, due out next … Read More »

Film Review: Danish Girl

9 Jan

If I hadn’t spent my Xmas/New Year gap week in Copenhagen I’d probably have filed Danish Girl – man discovers he’s a woman trapped in the wrong body – under Worthy-but-Dull and given it a miss. So I’m now doubly … Read More »

Escher! Get your ass up here

21 Dec

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]I saw this, originating in the New Yorker, on FB just this morning. An Escher admirer for forty years and more, how could I resist? We don’t need this information to appreciate the New Yorker humour but as it … Read More »