Straight talking on Cop27

12 Nov

I don’t much write about capitalism’s trashing of planet earth, and when I do it’s usually in the context of more general assessments of the life-negating fallout from its non-negotiable and truly totalitarian prioritising of profits over every other consideration. … Read More »

Pentagon bioweapons in Ukraine

11 Mar

Says Wikipedia: The Biological Weapons Convention bans biological and toxin weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use … … Article I requires each state never to develop, produce or stockpile : microbial or other biological agents … that … Read More »

Is humanity doomed?

26 Jan

. I take the relentless uniformity of Sinophobic output by every segment, ‘quality’ to tabloid, of mainstream corporate media as evidence not that China is terrible in every possible way … ONE nation is circling the planet with hundreds of … Read More »