For God’s sake

27 Feb

Walking on Ecclesall Road a few minutes ago, two young New Zealanders stopped me. “Hey, we’re new to Sheffield and wondering what there is to do around here.” “Well it’s no great shopping Mecca and not big on architecture either … Read More »

Kingfisher 2

27 Feb

I doubted in Thursday’s post that I’ll ever capture a kingfisher in flight in a pin sharp image. I blamed lack of kit and ornithological knowledge, and slow reflexes. All true to a degree but the bigger problem is my … Read More »


24 Feb

[ezcol_1half]This beauty’s been in Sheffield’s Porter Valley, on a pond two hundred yards from my home, for a few days. She – I think  I can tell the sex from the orange on the lower mandible of the beak – … Read More »

Robert Hooke

20 Feb

But for certain misfortunes, Robert Hooke would surely have been among the most celebrated of Englishmen. He invented air bellows for Boyle, built telescopes and microscopes, discovered stars and advanced our understanding of planetary orbit. He taught himself illustration for … Read More »

Truth matters

11 Feb

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Saturday, Feb 7. The third unsourced statistic on this FB post is almost certainly false:  [/ezcol_1half_end] Two days later an American friend, Daniel, posted his disgust at a homophobic quote allegedly by Ted Cruz. But others say it … Read More »

Is Photoshop cheating?

1 Feb

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]A friend asked: were my images of Burbage Photoshopped? Absolutely. I edit all photos in Lightroom and/or Photoshop. In my days of teaching photography at the University of Sheffield, when students boasted that they never edited images after exposure … Read More »

Film Review – Spotlight

31 Jan

[ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Thursday. I walk near Redmires with Sue. Here’s the conduit curving over the moors to the reservoir. Should’ve changed lens. Cutting ‘elbows’ is naff. A lazy snapper’s a bad snapper. We spoke of films, including Spotlight, due out next … Read More »