MMR and bad thinking

20 Jan

[ezcol_1third]I stumbled on an anti-MMR discussion on FB last night. Couldn’t resist sticking my oar in of course. Human beings have wonderful brains but, untrained, we are hopeless at stats and not much better at any kind of rigorous thinking. … Read More »

Film Review: Danish Girl

9 Jan

If I hadn’t spent my Xmas/New Year gap week in Copenhagen I’d probably have filed Danish Girl – man discovers he’s a woman trapped in the wrong body – under Worthy-but-Dull and given it a miss. So I’m now doubly … Read More »

Gift for a shutterbug

25 Dec

[ezcol_1half]Because they hang onto my every word, so know every detail of my passion for photography, down to the mid focal length gap in my lens collection, and because they love and admire me so, Rhianna (18) and Charis (15) … Read More »

Escher! Get your ass up here

21 Dec

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]I saw this, originating in the New Yorker, on FB just this morning. An Escher admirer for forty years and more, how could I resist? We don’t need this information to appreciate the New Yorker humour but as it … Read More »

So lawyers do poetry now?

17 Dec

[ezcol_1half][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Remember Martin Shrkeli? He launched Retrophin, a company that acquired rights to drugs for rare diseases, then ramped up their prices. One example was Thiola, used to treat a disease causing kidney stones. After it came into the Retrophin … Read More »

Reviews: Grandma; Red Rosa

16 Dec

Saw Grandma tonight and have to say I was underwhelmed. As vehicle for uncovering the high principles, low cunning and wrinkled foibles of septuagenarian feminist and hippie, academic and poet, lesbian and life-loving misanthrope, a picaresque day in the life … Read More »